Isaac Mentouri An Accomplished Professional

Isaac Mentouri is passionate about learning and teaching, as evidenced by his multiple degrees and his former work as an adult education instructor. Isaac Mentouri has also performed volunteer work in the educational realm, in 2012 tutoring a student with special needs in multiple subjects. He also participated in A Walk for Education.

Isaac Mentouri a Driven Entrepreneur

Isaac Mentouri is a driven entrepreneur who has enjoyed success as a pet sitter and managing a BMW rental business. He has also been very effective in fighting robocallers professionally via out-of-court settlements. Though he’s very proud of these commercial endeavors, He is most passionate about his academic pursuits. He has already earned an associate degree, has a Bachelor of General Studies and a Master’s in Higher Education. Now, he’s working on a doctorate. He is an accomplished professional with a passion for academia. He has degrees in chemistry, business, and education. Though he’s currently pursuing a doctorate degree, Isaac Mentouri still finds time to work on various other professional goals. Among them are part-time modeling and acting gigs, along with several varied self-employment endeavors. Currently unmarried, He isn’t averse to settling down in the future if he finds the right partner who shares his values and commitment to education.